
The diary of a polyglot

  "The Diary of a Polyglot" is my first book available on Amazon as an e-book. Many polyglots write books about language learning, culture, or literature. Most of them usually write about their own tips and tricks on how to improve language skills. Languages are like a window into a completely new world. My book covers 4 main topics, which are the brain, studying, languages, and optimism. It may seem strange to some people, but all the chapters are connected. Our brain processes all the information. The series of processes happens in our brain before we speak or while we listen. We can say that the brain is the place where all the magic happens. No matter how complex these processes are, our brain manages to make everything run smoothly. Studying is an inevitable process in life. We learn and study our whole lives. Toni Buzan wrote books about mind maps and speed reading. He showed that it is possible to learn speed reading. There are little things one can do to improve conce...

Future spouse

In Vedic astrology DK planet is the planet with the lowest degree. Astrologists claim this planet represents the future spouse. As a DK planet only north and south node aren't considered. The aspects of the planet and the house represent traits of spouse and what a person seeks in long term relationships.  JUPITER :  Your spouse can be knowledgeable, kind, wealthy, supportive, or jovial. They can be righteous and have a high moral code. They may even be religious, spiritual or devoted to their beliefs. They can have Pisces or Sagittarius placements, have Jupiter dominance or have Jupiter-ruled Nakshatras in their big three.  With Jupiter DK, your spouse can have a large,  In Vedic astrology DK planet is the planet with the lowest degree. Astrologists claim this planet represents the future spouse. As a DK planet only north and south node aren't considered. The aspects of the planet and the house represent traits of spouse and what a person seeks in long term relation...

Life mission

  Most of the people know they have some sort of mission in this world. The mission can represent various tasks. In Vedic astrology the planet with the highest degree represents lessons, karmic path and soul's essence. That planet is called the Atmakaraka. The highest degree planet is counted as Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury. It is also important to see where the planet is placed, the themes of that house will be relevant.  MOON You’re someone who is compassionate, intuitive and nurturing. You can naturally embrace the divine feminine archetype. Your soul’s essence aligns with that of the Moon which is about: being  family oriented, gentle, sensitive, adaptable, devoted, and using creative intelligence. Shadow traits of the Moon can be: codependence, fickleness, instability, and neediness. Your life’s themes revolve around how to nourish and support ideas, people, family and yourself. There is a “motherly” quality about the Moon that can be...

The 1st house

  The first house in natal chart depicts about the reason for reincarnation and the life path. The first house represents the physical body, health, worldview, physical visibility. The worldview is about the filter a person has perceiving environment and everything else going on in surrounding. The visibility is about visibility in society. Finding the life purpose in astrology through looking where the ruler of 1st house is placed. Every house has a specific ruler which could be found in the same house or in different one.  1H Ruler In 1H:  You’re meant to excel in life through self-initiated efforts. Cultivating your sense of identity and self expression. You’re meant to establish and maintain boundaries. Mapping out a unique life path for yourself, even if it’s different from others, and following it will work in your favor. 1H Ruler In 2H : A main theme in your life’s purpose is building security for yourself. Building something that cannot be taken from you. Learning...

11th house & fans

  In astrology the 11th house deals with followers, online community, large groups and humanity. Jupiter and Venus can indicate that a person will be positively accepted by large groups of people, or having large following on social media. Even though the certain houses are empty it's crucial to see the sign the house is in.  Aries 11H: aggressive fans, followers who would go to war over you, and audience that’s like an army. Male fans. Taurus 11H: fans who are really fond of you, people who follow you once and stay forever. Female fans. Gemini 11H: young fans, teeny boppers. Having a diverse fan base. Gossipy, chatty fan base. Internet fans. Cancer 11H: a lot of female fans, fans who care about you, come to your rescue a lot. Fans from your hometown. Leo 11H: young fans, being admired by many, being the most popular amongst peers. Having celebrities and authority figures be your fan. Virgo 11H: critical fans, people who are picky and discerning. People who have very niche int...

Fame & astrology

  In astrology there are few indicators of fame in birth astrology. Having stellium in 10th or 11th house, for example. Stellium means having 3 or more planets in one particular house. Sun in specific house or at certain degree can indicate fame, not only Sun it can be another planet too. Sun is traditional indicator of fame. Indicators of fame can be: the Sun in the 1st, 5th, 10th and 11th house, exalted Venus is Pisces, exalted Sun in Aries, Sun conjunct North node, Leo placements in 1st, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th house, late degree Aquarius Moon, Venus conjunct Mars, North node in 1st, 5th, 10th, 11th house, chart ruler in 5th, 10th and 11th house, Jupiter in 5th or 11th house and Scorpio and Libra risings.  A planet at 5 degrees can bring short term fame. Many artists who were considered as one hit wonder had this in their chart. A planet at 17 degrees is also an indicator of fame. The highest degree in astrology is 29, the people with planet with this degree may experience lon...

Public and private life in your birth chart

  In astrology 10th house represents public circumstances, work, carrier. The 10th house represents also public persona, the side we show to the world. The house in natal char that is found opposite the 10th house in 4th house. The 4th house in astrology is about family and private life. In private interaction with people they tend to show a part they don't show all the time in public. That part is innermost self, the part family sees. This can manifest in positive or negative way. In most of interactions with other people we experience the characteristics represented in 10th house or even 7th. This is why we perceive people differently. We may have an opinion about someone, but getting to know them better we realise we've found out more and got to know better someone on a deeper level. The aspects of 10th and 4th house together help understanding the whole picture. In order to know in which sign the house is in, it's necessary to look at the birth chart, or just by knowing...